Form Tutor - Mr Mkumbwa

Year 8 Curriculum Newsletter and Timetables Term 3
Year 8 curriculum newsletter term 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 206.4 KB


For this term, we are focusing on how to write newspaper articles, summary writing and the history of the English language. In newspaper article writing, we are looking at the ways in which newspapers present international news events and also how they report sporting events. We are also looking at other features of newspapers, including opinion columns and reviews. In summary writing, the students will be taught how to write a confident summary. Writing summaries is a test to both their reading and writing skills. In history of English language, we will look at the transitions that the English language has gone through; from Old English - Middle English - Modern English. In grammar, we are looking at figures of speech, conditional sentences and clauses.


students have been learning sequences, functions and graphs. Later in the term we will look into Congruent and properties of two-dimensional shapes, Net and surface area. Finally, we are going to introduce to book 3 (Cambridge Checkpoint Mathematics 3). Below are some pictures taken during a lesson under the concept of transformation. 


Students have been learning about speed and sound. the pictures below shows Mr.  Patrick I. Nguluwe a student teacher from MUBAS helping the students analyze sound waves using computers. 


In ICT , Third term we are learning a bout `image processing and editing as well as  movie making basics. student will have opportunities to gain knowledge and skills when it comes to simple editing of both motion and still picture being video and photos respectively


This term in year 8 History we are looking at the Age of Exploration. We want to look at the different explorers and understand how there travels started to change the course of History. From Christopher Columbus to Fernando Pizarro, understanding where they went and what they did that would influence the local populations for centuries.

Year 8 - History - Scheme of Work.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 46.3 KB


This term in year 8 Geography we are studying ecosystems. This will allow us to be able to explain how each of the components of an ecosystem are interconnected, and why it is vital to protect our ecosystems. We will focus on Temperate Rainforests which is what is found across Malawi and look at some of the examples of what organisations are doing to protect Malawi's wildlife.

Year 8 - Geography - Scheme of Work.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 44.9 KB

Religious Education

Year 8 - RE - Scheme of Work.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 48.3 KB


This term students are learning on how identify and describe different modes of transport, how to arrange a visit to Paris, how to locate places using metro lines and road networks, and how to book places in a youth hostel or a hotel.


In this terms art forms we have explored the use of natural materials such as clay and wood. We have began to work with carvings and have seen examples of artist who have worked with their environments to create something beatiful. 


This term we are exploring West African music by learning how to play the Djembe drum. We will learn how to play different tones on the drum and create and improvise rhythms using different signals.    

Life Skills

Year 8 Life skills students exploring potential career paths by reflecting on their strengths, weaknesses and skill sets compatible with their career choice


In PE this term we have found an ability to keep up with our pace. Regrounding our ability to steady our heart rate after intense workouts. This known as cardio performance and how the increasing our ability to have functional heart health throughout our lives. 
