Teacher: Miss Tiwonge Carol Katemecha

Curriculum Newsletter Term 1
Malumbe 2024/25
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Class Timetable
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 In English, we have a range of learning activities lined up for the term. Our focus will be on developing broad reading and writing skills. In Reading, we will be articulating personal responses to our reading, with close reference to the text. Also, we will understand different word classes. In addition, we will develop familiarity with the work of established authors and poets, identifying features which are common to more than one text, among other areas. In writing, children will learn how to plan and write attraction leaflets, and respond to formal letters by planning and writing their own letters.


We will focus on place value, adding and subtracting negative numbers, including reading sub zero temperatures. The term will then see us cover concepts in fractions, decimal numbers, and percentages. Sequences, and ratio will also be covered during the term, all in order. These topics all need time, as such, our focus will lean heavily towards understanding, and not necessarily coverage. A test will be administered each fortnight to track progress on our objectives.


This term will see us cover a range of learning activities. We will learn the stages of scientific enquiry. Exciting experiments will be performed as the learners will get to master the stages, including formulation of a hypothesis, identification of variables.


The theme for the first half of this term is Water. We'll be learning all about Water and rivers, how important they are, how they are formed and how we can conserve them. We are going to utilize various methods such as sketch maps, graphs and etc to present our findings. After Half Term, we will switch to a study of The Vikings where we will ask ourselves thought-provoking practice questions about what life was like for them!


In this unit learners explore how data is transferred over the internet. Learners initially focus onaddressing, before they move on to the makeup and structure of data packets. Learners then look at how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration; they complete shared projects online and evaluate different methods of communication. Finally, they learn how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet


We will complete our sewing project then look at sketching skills including how to draw using perspective. We will also experiment with different materials linked to our stone age project to see how our ancestors created art works on cave walls.