Class Teacher - Miss Aisha Matumula

Teaching Assistants - Louis Kapwanya and Mwayi Chalera

Songani Newsletter
Term 1 (2024 - 2025)
Songani Newsletter Term 1 2024.pdf
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 We are thrilled to dive into this term’s theme, All About Me, where your child will have the chance to explore what makes them special, learn about their friends, and discover how each of us is unique in our own way!


Through fun activities like storytelling, arts and crafts and role-playing, your little ones will build confidence, express their individuality, and develop important social skills. From creating self-portraits to sharing family traditions, every child will shine as we celebrate the amazing qualities that make them who they are.


Look out for our special class displays and projects that will be coming home to spark wonderful conversations! We can't wait to embark on this exciting journey together.


We know it’s going to be an unforgettable term!


**If the children show interest in other topics, we will also include these in our learning as we have an emphasis on child initiated learning in Reception.**


Did you know there were so many different ways to learn Math? We are exploring a wide range of Math topics this term in many different ways! 


We enjoy learning about sounds in our environment. We revise different sounds and hunt for missing sounds from our classroom! We will soon put sounds together and read some words!

Physical Education

In PE, we’re focusing on the simple skills of football such as ball control, kicking and passing. Children are also learning various PE games aimed to help develop agility, balance and coordination for future skill development in a range of sports.


In Swimming, we’re focusing on the foundations of swimming such as confidence in the water, jumping & submerging (face in the water), breathing, kicking and floating.