Class Teacher - Mrs D. Juma

Teaching Assistants - Caroline and Praise

Nursery Class Newsletter Term Two 2024/25
Nursery Class Newsletter
Nursery Class curriculm Newsletter term
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Great learning...

Welcome to Nursery Class, the children have settled in very well and ready to enjoy their learning through play. This term's theme is "All about me ", this theme focuses  on self discovery, identity  and community building. The children will be learning about their bodies, emotions  and families. They will develop self awareness and confidence. They build social skills  through sharing  and taking turns. All this will be achieved through  various activities, stories  and games.   On our role play we'll be changing  based on our theme.

They will also be enjoying their outdoor activities, such as hopscotch, jumping on numbers and colors, water play with different resources and fun swim.


Below are some of the photographs of children doing different activities.