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Sir Harry’s Weekly News

8th March 2025
Congratulations to this week's stars! 
Star of the Week / Principal Awards
Nursery Kyle Makoza 
Songani Mishael Kayange
Chiradzulu All the girls
Nawimbe Wungweru Harawa
Chagwa Andile Nthani
Dedza The whole class
Sapitwa Linga Whayo
Malumbe The whole class

We are pleased to welcome Ms. Hazel Mankhwala a new Secondary Science Teacher to our school. She joined the Science Teaching Crew. Let’s give her a warm welcome!

New School Prefects

Introducing our newly elected school prefects who will take on leadership roles and set a great example for their peers.

  • Tristen Mithi
  • Timpale Mulwafu
  • Theo Mvula-Sambo
  • Cairo Mwapasa
  • Chipatso Seyama
  • Bayethe Ligomeka
  • Savanna Kambalu
  • Iona Juma
  • Nancy Msali
  • Tayamika Chaweza
  • Akonda Ntimaukanena
  • Bongonkosi Chalamba

Wishing them all the best in their new roles!

Overdue Fees Balances

We kindly remind all parents that outstanding fees balances are now overdue. Please be advised that, starting next week, students with outstanding balances will not be allowed to attend classes until the fees are settled.

We kindly request that all fees be cleared promptly to avoid any disruption to your child’s education. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

End of Term Examinations

End of Term Examinations will begin on 17th March, with the exception of Year 6, Year 9, and Year 11 students.

We encourage all students to prepare well for the exams. Thank you for your continued support.

Year 7 Trip to Game Haven!

This week, our Year 7 class took a well-deserved break from books and pens and went on a trip to Game Haven! The students had a fantastic time enjoying nature, going on an exciting game drive, and playing fun games to refresh their minds. It was a great day to relax, explore, and appreciate the beauty around us

Inspiring Young Writers: A Visit from Dr. Asante Mtenje

This week, we were honored to host Dr. Asante Mtenje, an author and professor from the University of Malawi. She had a fun and engaging session with our KS2 learners, teaching them about poetry and creative writing. A big thank you to Dr. Mtenje for an inspiring visit!

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